

Radiography is the imaging of body structures, or parts of the body, using X-rays. X-rays are a form of radiation (X-radiation) similar to visible light, radio waves and microwaves. X-radiation is special because it has a very high energy level that allows the X-ray beam to penetrate through the body and create an image or picture.
Plain X-rays are the simplest medical images created through X-radiation.
A radiographer will perform the examination.
No specific preparation is required for a plain X-ray.
It is important that you tell your own doctor and staff at the radiology facility where you are having the X-ray if there is any chance you might be pregnant. This is important information, as it will make a difference in the way the X-ray is carried out or a different test altogether might be required. Your safety and that of your unborn child is the number one priority.
Upon Arrival
You may be asked to remove your hairclips, earrings, pins, chains or other items of jewellery before the examination, as these can sometimes interfere with the X-Ray.
During the Scan
For the X-ray, you should remain as still as possible. The radiographer may ask you you move into different positions during the scan to obtain multiple views. The whole test usually takes 5 to 10 minutes.
Our experienced radiologist looks at the images and sends the results to your treating doctor. You need to discuss the results with your treating doctor.
Generally, the benefit of the X-ray procedure is far more important than the small estimated risk of the effects of radiation. At the radiation dose levels that are used in diagnostic radiography, there is little or no evidence of health effects.

Service available at:

It is important to make an appointment if your doctor has requested for a CT, Ultrasound, Mammogram, Bone Densitometry or procedure. Your examination may require special preparation prior to your arrival.
For walk-in patients, please understand we will try our best to fit you in, however appointments will have priority.